Aerocool AeroRacer Pro Review

Posted on 2008-12-12 15:21:06 by Thomas De Maesschalck

In the PC industry, companies aren't allowed to sit on their laurels very long. Video cards become dinosaurs in a few months time. New processors come out just about once a month. "Hey, Joe. You going to get that new Intel Core Quad? It's 2 MHz faster with an extra kb of l2 cache." Case companies aren't entirely immune to this unstoppable force crunching tired technology underfoot. If they were, the same cases from years past would still litter the shelves of retailers like Best Buy. Though innovations like new form factors are slow to come about, case manufacturers must stay abreast of the latest peripheral technology and cooling breakthroughs. Not to mention, consumers are notoriously finicky. The case design loved last year might just be loathed this year. Staying ahead of that curve is rather difficult. Some companies find a happy medium and ride it like a pony at a 5 year-old's birthday party. Other's are more daring and constantly attempt to push the envelope. I like to consider Aerocool one of the latter. Their designs sometimes look a bit out of the ordinary, but the dedication to innovation is always evident. Today I'm reviewing the AeroRacer Pro. Its unique appearance showcases the courage of its conviction. This box is meant for people obsessed with cooling and it's not afraid to let it be known.

Link: Pro-Clockers

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