NBA 2K9 - Xbox 360 Review

Posted on 2008-12-27 13:04:56 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The only way that you might enjoy 2K Sports' NBA 2K9 is if you happen to be one of the people in the stands who is such a basketball fan that you paint your body with your team's colors; wearing the silly looking hats also helps. Children might appreciate this game since it seems that the younger generation has been brainwashed by the media, but anyone who actually values 60 dollars would want to tear out their hair with their own hands for making this purchase. If you want to waste your cash you can find this game just about anywhere except at your local video game rental store. They figured it out a while back that this game is a complete dud and they would not have it taking up their precious shelve space.

Link: Gamepyre

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