Jetart AK-1000 Water Cooling System Review

Posted on 2004-10-20 19:23:51 by LSDsmurf

Seems like at ClubOC we have been totally overwhelmed with water-cooling kits from all different categories and different companies. Its scary to see how this section of the computer hardware sector has become so involved with something that used to be deemed as unsafe. It looks as though that myth has been broken, since who could have ever believed water + computers = bad things, could ever be overlooked by high-dollar manufacturers. The AK-1000 is simply an alternative to medium grade air-cooling despite the fact that it is a very nice aesthetic addition to your case. With its blue lighted LED, full fan control, and simple installation it could be just the kind of addition you are looking for to take on some mild overclocking. One of the best aspects of cooling with water is that it cools fast, therefore, it controls temperatures much better and increases temperature and system stability. Even systems such as this AK-1000 has those kind of aspects, so it could just be a pretty good product. How about we find out...

Link: ClubOC

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