XFX GeForce GTX 285 Black Edition Review

Posted on 2009-02-27 01:55:21 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The GTX 285 is the fastest single chip video card on the market today. XFX includes a great bundle in the form of the hit game from last year Far Cry 2 and the Double Lifetime warranty they are famous for. For those with a GTX 280 they aren't likely shopping for a new card at this time anyway. As we move further into 2009, the 65nm GTX 280s should go the way of the Dodo, extinct; meaning those wanting a high end card in this price range from NVIDIA will want a GTX 285. Stereoscopic 3D works with the GTX 285, and if you can get used to the effect on games that are not coded for it, is the future of how we will play games. This is the latest offering in the affordable high-end VGA card and a Hot Product indeed.

Link: Motherboards

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