XPAD SLIM Non-slip Laptop Cooler & Heatshield Review

Posted on 2009-03-19 01:59:12 by Thomas De Maesschalck

There are many types of laptop coolers and pads out there, but many of them are big and bulky and also many have fans in them requiring power thus draining your battery a bit quicker than normal. Quite a while back I reviewed the Xpad laptop cooler and found it to be a very nice product overall, today I've got the latest version, the Xpad Slim. The Xpad Slim is much thinner than it's predecessor, and lighter, though it is essentially the same look, an X style pattern of raised bumps that lifts your laptop up to allow better airflow under it, while at the same time shielding you legs from the heat.

Link: DSM

XPAD  SLIM Non-slip Laptop Cooler & Heatshield

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