Phantasy Star Portable - PSP Review

Posted on 2009-04-07 12:23:37 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The storyline is the traditional GOOD vs. EVIL, although, for a more detailed information I very strongly suggest reading both interpretations of the storyline. The game's graphics are passable but they are not anything to brag about. Depending on what stand you take on the storyline, you will either appreciate the game's sound or you will be thoroughly disappointed. This game even has a 1 to 4 player multiplayer co-op mode where you and your friends can attempt completing the Free Missions under Ad Hoc Mode. And if you're waiting on a hint or some advice, I can neither condemn nor commend this game. Depending on how you interpret the storyline determines how you will feel about this game.

Link: Gamepyre

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