Sennheiser CX 300-II PRECISION Noise Isolating In-Ear-Canalphone Review

Posted on 2009-06-09 20:49:04 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Most of us are familiar with earphones. These ‘small speakers’ have been out for as long as I could remember bundled with portable devices such as those retro Gameboy’s and today’s MP3 players.

New earphone designs now allow the penetration of the actual driver inside your ears sealed but what looks like earplugs creating a barrier between what you hear and external ambient noise. By cancelling outside noise, you don’t need to use as much volume as before to hear music and it provides an experience that feels like you are hearing the music live at a concert allowing you to feel connected to your music. In fact these new noise isolating earphones provide superior noise reduction than anything out there right now, providing a minimum of 10dB reduction of ambient noise and that number goes upwards from there from product to product and material to material. Today I will be reviewing the Sennheiser CX 300-II PRECISION noise isolating in-ear-canalphone.

Link: Modsynergy

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