Nikon CoolPix 4800 Review

Posted on 2004-11-11 19:03:46 by LSDsmurf

Announced in September 2004, the Coolpix 4800 represents the latest in a long line of Nikon compact cameras that stretches all the way back to the late 1990's, and is Nikon's first budget 'super zoom' camera. Although it sits in the same range as the diminutive Coolpix 5200 and 4200 and has similar styling, the Coolpix 4800 is a considerably larger and more powerful camera - though still a lot smaller than most other super zoom cameras. Features of note include an 8.3x (36-300mm equiv.) ED zoom lens, electronic viewfinder (EVF), 11 scene modes, fast startup and operation and 640x480 pixel (VGA) movies at 15fps. Here's a quick rundown of the 4800's main selling points..

Link: DP Review

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