Kerchoonz K-box Review

Posted on 2009-09-09 18:51:38 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The iPod and dozens of other digital media players make it easy to take your music anywhere. Playing this music when you arrive, on the other hand, is much more difficult-at least if you intend for more than one person to hear it. You'll need self-amplified speakers at a minimum, and these often require more electrical power than you can squeeze out of a set of batteries. Kerchoonz, a social networking and media streaming service based in Scotland, has come up with a device that promises to solve this problem by effectively transforming any flat surface into a loundspeaker. The end result of our tests? It both does and doesn't, as you'll quickly be chagrined to discover.

Link: Digitaltrends

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Re: Kerchoonz K-box
by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 09 2009 @ 19:48 CEST
I like that it's small and gives a big sound. The bass varies depending on the surface, but, it's a pretty powerful little gadget.

Re: Kerchoonz K-box
by Anonymous on Thursday, September 17 2009 @ 2:57 CEST
Overpriced junk.

Has an uncanny ability to distort both the highs and lows horribly, fortunately I didn't have to pay £55 quid to find out, I did upset the the person demoing it slightly by pulling out my pair of XMI mini's (the second gen models) and utterly embarrassing the thing in front of a crowd though :-D