AZZA Titan 850W Review

Posted on 2009-09-22 13:01:17 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Traditionally when talking about the "heart" of a personal computer the first thing we think of is the CPU. That is understandable but the fundamentals really lye in another piece of equipment typically over looked in general, if not up front then in the maintenance of it. When we think of a car is the engine the "heart"? When we think of ourselves is it the heart that makes us get up and go? The answer to these questions is quite simple "NO". Without a battery a car won't start, without food the human body can't function and the same goes for our rigs. The PSU is the heart of our computers and today we will be looking at the AZZA Titan 80+ 850W power supply.

Link: PureOverclock

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