EVE Apocrypha Review

Posted on 2009-10-26 14:46:07 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Since the conception of playing Dungeons and Dragons with our friends and family, we continually find new ways to interact with other people by role playing. MMORPG (Massive Multi Online Role Playing Games) expands this alternate reality to a whole new level. Instead of finding a few people to join in on quests, we just go online log in to a MMORPG title and we can play with literally thousands of different people across the world.

EVE been around for quite a few years now, I last heard of this game about 5 or so years ago when I was playing Earth And Beyond. I played EVE off and on over the years, then just stopped playing. Apocrypha, is a new expansion to the EVE universe, adding new abilities, new ships, and added a whole new out look on this game.

Link: Bjorn3D

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