DinoPC i7-Osaurus Gaming PC Review

Posted on 2009-10-27 02:15:19 by Thomas De Maesschalck

A well-built machine with an appealing mix of components, including the most powerful single-chip graphics card on the planet, DinoPC's i7-Osaurus presents a good choice for under a grand.

Link: TrustedReviews

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Re: DinoPC i7-Osaurus Gaming PC
by Anonymous on Thursday, February 18 2010 @ 15:37 CET
BEWARE - I would advise extreme caution when dealing with DinoPC. I ordered from them before Christmas and I still do not have a working computer. They refuse to communicate and haven't even issued a single apology. Their computers may be cheap but it comes at a hefty price.
In brief: They sent the computer without a graphics card and with broken components. Refused to provide a replacement, repair, or refund. Lied about sending a replacements only to later admit that nothing had been sent. In the end I've had to get my Credit Card company involved to get my money back as they refused to refund me.
I would give more details but I don't want the post to appear libellous (even though it contains nothing but the truth).