Eviant 7-inch digital TV Review

Posted on 2009-11-26 15:22:45 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The recent retirement of analog reception this was replaced with digital broadcasting. Most analog TVs were saved by a converter box which simply acts as a cable or satellite box. The converter box saved those who had a working analog TV whom didn’t have the ability to or want to purchase a new TV with the ability uses the new digital signal. What the converter box couldn’t help were the small portable TVs. Though these small analog TVs haven’t been seen as hot item in a few years, especially since cell phone have added the ability to connect to the internet and watch live video content. Eviant has develop a couple of products which will have consumers taking a second look at what small portable TVs have to offer. You will be surprised by the quality availability of digital channels which can be pulled from the air. Eviant has sent Techwarelabs their thin 7” screen unit to review. Let’s take a look at what it has to offer.

Link: TWL

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