JetArt MousePal Mouse Pad Review

Posted on 2010-01-05 15:28:14 by Thomas De Maesschalck

I like mouse pads. With modern mice, it's easy to get along without one, but I can't for long. I've had big ones, small ones, ones with kittens printed on them, ones with puppies, ones with built-in wrist pads, ones built for gaming and sound dampening mats that weren't made for mice. Fortunately, they're not overly expensive and they last forever. Now, my preference in mouse paddery is definitely leaning toward the gaming side of the spectrum. Yet, gaming pads tend to be larger than normal and are not appropriate for every situation. If you're sitting at a restaurant, sipping coffee and twittering, you don't need a mouse pad to cover your entire table. That's where the JetArt MousePal 2000 comes in. Not small by any stretch of the imagination, it's never going to double as a tablecloth.

Link: Pro Clockers

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