OCUK Ultima Raptor Review

Posted on 2010-04-27 09:00:17 by Thomas De Maesschalck

As you can see from our other two reviews, today has seen AMD return to the fore with a big bang. I'm sure lots of our more technically minded readers are already plotting their upgrade paths and raiding the Internet for the best prices. But what if you aren't the type of person who has the confidence to build their own computers. After all, most of us weren't to begin with and even now those of us with self-built PCs are vastly in the minority. If you're going to buy a pre-built computer there mainly appears to be two big routes you can go down. The first is the generic "store" PC which is usually underpowered and overpriced. Sold to the masses who don't know much better and think that 1GB of RAM is plenty. The second is to get a system that definitely has the go and the show, but costs an absolute fortune to get the latest hardware.

Link: Overclock3D

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