Yellowstone Blu-ray Movie Review

Posted on 2010-07-05 14:53:23 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Blu-ray disc has propelled the popularity of home video documentaries and firmly established these as cherished demonstration discs the world over. The gorgeous cinematography of the BBC documentary series Planet Earth even set early Blu-ray sales records as one of the best selling, non-feature film Blu-ray discs on the market and led the way for other nature documentaries filmed in 1080p to the format. BBC’s Yellowstone is the latest release to the local market.

I’ve always been intrigued by the Yellowstone National Park, located in Wyoming, U.S.A. Yellowstone was the first area to be granted National Park status at the turn of the 19th Century. An entire eco-system in itself, Yellowstone is home to hundreds of different species (many endangered), from all walks of life; land, sea and sky. However, below their feet the delicate balance of life above ground could be disrupted in seconds by one of the largest active volcanos in the world. Whilst this is only of peripheral concern in the program, the fact of the matter is that the beauty of Yellowstone would be forever changed, as well as causing major worldwide effects when it erupts again. The scary part is, it could happen at any time. But as proven time and time again, life finds a way through these calamities.

Link: TweakTown

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