EA Sports Active 2 Xbox 360 Kinect Review

Posted on 2010-11-28 12:32:26 by Thomas De Maesschalck

As I sit here in a pile of sweat after doing a 27 minute workout in EAs new Active 2, I find myself trying to find any excuse not to get up and shower for the simple reason that it’s just too difficult at the moment. So what I’ve instead chosen to do is write this review on it. Active 2 was the game that had my attention from the second I saw it. Wii Fit as a fitness game was stupid. I would’ve been better off dancing to Olivia Newton Johns ‘Let’s Get Physical’. Active 2, though, gave me the impression of what Kinect could really be suited to. Sure, it’s great having exercise machines you can buy off the TV for $99.99 that can fold under your bed, but what motivates you to pull it out from under your bed the next day?

Active 2 brings everything you want together; the ease of working out in your own home, the benefit of doing it when you’re able to, and the social networking experience of the Active 2 website to help keep you motivated. Firing up Active 2, you get a bit of an introduction on what it’s about and then you’re told how to set up the included heart rate monitor. On the topic of the heart rate monitor which comes bundled inside, we’ve also got a resistance band which is to be used with certain exercises.

Link: TweakTown

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