V-moda Remix Remote iPhone Earbuds Review

Posted on 2010-12-27 20:49:06 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Everyone seems to love their iPhones, but if there was one gripe had by many, it would probably be the stock earbuds. Many people hate them because they either hurt their ears, or don't stay on, or they just plain don't like the sound coming from them. I'd personally have to agree with at least a couple of those popular complaints. Luckily there are more accessories for the "i' devices that then you shake a stick at. So to work on curing your hatred of the stock earbuds that come with your iPhone, v-moda has been pumping out some high quality, and very popular, replacements for your consideration. Today we'll be looking at the v-moda remix remote 3-button in-ear headphones specifically designed for the iPhone.

Link: Virtual-Hideout

V-moda Remix Remote iPhone Earbuds

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