Silver Power SP-SS500 Power Supply Review

Posted on 2011-02-23 15:40:25 by Thomas De Maesschalck

In this current society, most people don’t realise how much power is actually needed to power a high-end or even a modern PC. There are standard default models which are around 100-150 Watts for small standalone computers which are purely used to connect you to the internet to watch music or watch movies. That being said there are also computers which require ten times the standard PSU with multiple 12 Volt lines for over one hundred pounds at least for the computer enthusiasts. The ‘class’ of PSU recommended for most self-built systems of mid to high end rigs are around 500 Watts, so for this review we had an interesting 500 Watt PSU, presenting the Silver Power SP-SS500 500W. This PSU was tested in a mid-end computer using triple core AMD processor.


Silver Power SP-SS500 Power Supply

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