In Win Dragon Slayer Computer Case Review

Posted on 2011-05-09 19:58:03 by Thomas De Maesschalck

If you have a mATX motherboard kicking around and want to put it to use, why not put it to use with style in the In Win Dragon Slayer? Don't have a mATX motherboard, you aren't alone; and I can assure you this chassis is not for you. This computer case reminds me of the feeling you get when getting into a compact car, and you are expecting it to be tiny. Suddenly, you get in it, and it feels roomier than a big truck -- go figure. The Dragon Slayer is a fairly small sized case, yet provides lots of playing room. In fact, it is large enough to handle two full sized VGA cards. On the other hand, the style of the case is up to debate; it neither impresses me nor disappoints me. Oddly, the case reminds more of a supply crate from a video game, and not as much as the acclaimed medieval chain armor. The side panel looks like someone had a fun time with a drill, but otherwise the front of the case has a very nice glow to the In Win logo -- if your computer isn't already bright enough. Oh wait, is this the introduction? Too bad. I am not going to give too much of my review away right now. As I have mentioned earlier, this is a mATX chassis, so if you are using an ATX board, the Dragon Slayer will not work for you. But if you are looking for a mATX case, then read on to find if this is the one to get!

Link: APH Networks

In Win Dragon Slayer Computer Case

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