Razer Onza (Tournament Edition) Review

Posted on 2011-05-09 19:59:40 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The Xbox 360 in particular has multiple manufacturers making controllers for their console. Microsoft of course has their own controllers, and MadCatz has been making controllers many years (even before the 360 existed). Newer manufacturers like PDP, Datel, and Gamestop also sell their own controllers. Despite having so many choices, most serious console gamers will stick with the Microsoft controllers due to quality and comfort. Adapting to a new mouse or controller is not something most competitive gamers are willing to do. Why change what works, right?

Obviously Razer begs to differ. Having been in the gaming and competitive market for many years now, Razer took it upon themselves to make a real competitive Xbox 360 controller that met and exceeded serious gamers' expectations. By teaming up with professional players and teams, Razer designed the Onza to be the replacement for whatever controller gamers may currently use. Quality, comfort, improved gameplay and overall design was the main focus behind Razer's Onza controller series. For the casual gamer, Razer designed the plain Onza. For the hardcore competitive gamer, there is the Onza Tournament Edition. Both have a very generous price tag: $39.99 for the Onza, $49.99 for the Onza Tournament Edition.

Link: Bjorn3D

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