Catalyst 11.8 Windows 7 Driver Analysis Review

Posted on 2011-08-20 13:15:51 by Thomas De Maesschalck

As we're rolling towards the second half of August, we saw the other day that AMD released its Catalyst 11.8 driver suite a bit quicker than when I initially thought it would be. To be honest, though, if you think about the fact that when we saw the release of the WHQL 11.7 driver suite we also saw the beta preview of the 11.8s, AMD no doubt were getting close to having the 11.8s ready, so again, the fact that they're a little earlier than normal doesn't come as too much of a surprise.

I was a little slower this month than previous months due to the fact that I didn't expect the drivers so early, but even more so due to the fact that everything had to be retested as we move over to our new testbed and benchmark line up. While our games might not always be specific to the performance highlights, with so many games using similar engines we quite often find that a gain promised in one area can also be shown in another. Of course, there's always the opportunity to drop us a line and let us know your own experience, good or bad.

Link: Tweaktown

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