acom Bamboo Capture Multi-touch Tablet Review

Posted on 2011-11-11 19:29:36 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Wacom has been synonymous with professional tablets for years. Lately, they have been reaching out to the more casual Artiste with their line of Bamboo products. Their new generation of consumer tablets shows Wacom's push into a new market with a strong and perhaps more importantly, affordable line. Catering to the masses is hard; they needed something exciting, maybe something popularized by a fruit company? Multi-touch! Wacom's new iteration of tablets adds multi-touch gesture support to their tried and true pen tablet. The question is, is this fusion of technologies a tree worth watering or will it wither in the garden? Press on to our in-depth review of the Wacom Bamboo Capture to find out.

Link: EverythingUSB

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