Topre Realforce 105UB Review

Posted on 2012-05-25 11:50:05 by Thomas De Maesschalck

I’m glad to see that mechanical keyboards are taking off with the gaming crowd. It used to be just me that was rocking a mechanical, then I slowly started getting my friends into it by selling them keyboards and inviting them to try out mine. When I went back to the Computer Gaming Society IRC channel someone told me “Hey! Will! We’ve all got mechanicals now! Aren’t you proud?”

And I was, of course. Mechanicals make excellent sense for gamers looking for every bit of performance they can get, particularly if they’re playing competitively. They give you that slightest edge; they’re faster, more durable and they feel better than normal rubber dome keyboards. The big difficulty is the price – where you can pick up a cheap dome keyboard for £3 and a gaming one for £20, a mechanical that costs £60 to £100 is a big step up. What do you do then to justify a keyboard that’s nearly £200? You write a review on it, of course. Allow me to introduce you to the Topre Realforce 105UB – the Cadillac of keyboards."

Link: XSReviews

Topre Realforce 105UB

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