NewerTech NuGreen Energy Efficient Flexible Neck LED Desk Lamp Review

Posted on 2012-05-31 10:47:15 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Working at nights (just like now) is something i do a lot mainly because there's far less ambient noise around (and also less distractions) allowing me to perform noise level tests far more accurately than during the day. However what's really hard is sitting in front of a 30" LCD screen and typing without any other light source in the room (amBX lights are not strong enough) something which basically means strong and frequent headaches. To avoid that you must put less strain to your eyes and for that you always need to have a light turned on in the same room which is something i don't really like especially since the ones I have in this room are very powerful for night use. Well Newertech may have the answer for me since they just released the NuGreen Energy Efficient Flexible Neck LED Desk Lamp.

Link: Nikktech

NewerTech NuGreen Energy Efficient Flexible Neck LED Desk Lamp

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