Audyssey Lower East Side Audio Dock Air Review

Posted on 2012-09-07 19:12:23 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Perhaps one the most difficult parts of being an avid reviewer is finding new and innovative devices to review, devices which one simply does not get to see often if at all. Nowadays however innovative ideas become more and more rare since pretty much everything one may think of is already out there being developed or manufactured by one of the countless available manufacturers (that's also why we see the same devices rebranded and sold by two or more different companies). Luckily however innovation has not completely dried out and so every now and then we do get to see something new (sometimes even impressive) and without doubt the latest Lower East Side Audio Dock Air by Audyssey is one such device.

Link: Nikktech

Audyssey Lower East Side Audio Dock Air

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