NZXT Cryo E40 Notebook Cooler Review

Posted on 2012-11-26 14:53:24 by Thomas De Maesschalck

A few weeks ago I was laying in bed with my significant other watching a movie on her Macbook Pro. Naturally the Macbook was lying across my thighs and after about 30 minutes the bottom of her computer began to get really hot, hot to the point where I had to lay the computer between us. Coincidentally the next week Bob asked me to review the NXZT Cyro E-40 Laptop cooler and my first thought was, “where was this thing when I actually needed it?” NZXT has a solid history in the laptop cooling market. Any recommendation I’ve made in the past for a cooler I’ve always said to look at NZXT. Let’s find out if the Cyro-E40 lives up to my recommendation.

Link: ThinkComputers

NZXT Cryo E40 Notebook Cooler

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