Crysis 3 PC Review

Posted on 2013-03-17 20:51:00 by Thomas De Maesschalck

When the original Crysis launched it quite literally made a mockery of high end gaming systems around the world, even today the game is a graphical juggernaut that offers a real feast for the eyes and even today's low-mid range gaming systems can have a hard time getting to grips with its engine. It was lauded for its prowess at testing systems and getting your system to run Crysis (well) was like a badge of honour in the gaming community. When Crysis 2 came along things were not so demanding and while the game was graphically impressive, it proved more accessible for a wider range of gaming system. Crytek it seems had crossed both sides of the river on their last two titles, with one that was hard to run and another that was more accessible, and if the developers are to be believed, they've managed to squeeze both high end graphics and accessibility in to their latest incarnation, Crysis 3.

The game may have earned its reputation for epic graphics, but it wouldn't have gotten far if the series wasn't backed up by some of this generations greatest gaming experiences. First we had the almost free-roaming style of the original, combined with the more confined story and objective qualities of the second, both of which have their merits and shortfalls, but finding where to take the third title has no doubt proven difficult for the team at Crytek as they try to mix the gameplay elements of the original titles together for Crysis 3, much as they did with their approach to graphics performance.

Link: eTeknix

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