Inside Look: Guild Wars 2 March Patch Review

Posted on 2013-04-19 16:06:29 by Thomas De Maesschalck

"The March patch was somewhat disappointing as far as content, with the Living Story quests being lackluster at best. What had the potential to be extremely unique and exciting, was once again turned into a grind-like process with nothing new to really add to the story since implementation. The world vs world patch did manage to alleviate the culling issues found when large groups would be present in any of the games player vs player and world vs world content, however the unique abilities that each person can spec into are hardly worth the time, energy and effort necessary to achieve them. It seems as if Arenanet has a skeleton crew working on content for the game, and the much anticipated “ascended gear/weapons” aren’t anywhere to be found."

Link: ThinkComputers

Inside Look: Guild Wars 2 March Patch

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