SECTOR Pilot Master R3273679025 Review

Posted on 2013-04-25 16:51:45 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Description: Most of the people i know who wear wristwatches all the time have one or more favorite brands which they always trust when the time comes either to buy a new watch to add to their collection or as a replacement for an old one. Back in 2002 i was out for a stroll when i passed in front of a watch shop which had almost a 3 digit number of models on display (something that was a bit surprising since most watch shops have like 10-20 samples on display). However out of all these watches my eyes fell on a single bracelet one made by an unknown brand to me called SECTOR but due to its somewhat high price tag (at least for me back then) i skipped on buying it. Obviously back then i wasn't that much into watches (especially bracelet ones since it was the leather/rubber era for me) which pretty much explains my ignorance regarding a well-established watch manufacturer like SECTOR. Fast forward 11 years later and today on our test bench we have one of the latest Sector watches to hit the market the Pilot Master R3273679025 (R stands for Racing).

Link: NikKTech

SECTOR Pilot Master R3273679025

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