Batman: Arkham Origins Review

Posted on 2013-11-20 10:04:19 by Thomas De Maesschalck

”The old adage applies here – if it's not broke, don't fix it. I very much prefer this situation here with Origins than when Bioware and EA changed up the near-perfect formula of Dragon Age: Origins in the sequel. While Dragon Age 2 is not necessarily a bad game, the first game was clearly superior. With Batman: Arkham Origins, we have a case where I can honestly declare this the best Batman Arkham game yet. It has everything Arkham City had with consistently better boss battles and a story that arguably rivals Arkham Asylum. But if you weren't hoping for more of the same, you may not see it that way. If you were hoping for the leap forward to be as grand as the one from Asylum to City, I don't blame you for being disappointed, I simply hold a different opinion.”

Link: OCC

Batman: Arkham Origins

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