Just Cause 2 4-Years Later Review

Posted on 2014-02-18 09:44:43 by Thomas De Maesschalck

"Is Just Cause 2 a game to remember and return to, or should we let it disappear like an exploded fuel tank? In my opinion this is a game to remember. The chaotic, open-world design can supply you with dozens of hours of fun, before and after finishing the final mission. The graphics stand up very well and the performance is excellent. It may have some shortcomings, but nothing to keep me from recommending it. If you like open-world games and making a game into your playground, Just Cause 2 is an easy game to recommend to you. You can also check out its many mods (there are more than the multiplayer mod) and its DLC. The DLC, by the way, only add weapons and vehicles for purchase in the Black Market. They can still be a lot of fun, especially as the items come fully upgraded, but do not add any greater content to the game.”

Link: OCC

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