Red Faction: Guerrilla 5 Years-Later Review

Posted on 2014-05-14 18:55:31 by Thomas De Maesschalck

"Is Red Faction: Guerrilla a game worth playing five years after release? In my opinion it is. It definitely has its issues, but nothing too horrible, and what it allows and empowers you to do is still a lot of fun. Want to drive a truck through a building? Go ahead. Topple a building with just a sledgehammer? Get swinging. Be driven around as you launch rockets at anything and everything? Warm up your fingers. Red Faction: Guerrilla is one of the best sandbox games I know of, with all it allows you to do. It is not perfect, as missions can have limited avenues to victory, but the destructible nature of just about everything is a feature that makes it unique. If you are looking for such an experience, definitely play this game do some damage.”

Link: OCC

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