VicoVation Marcus 3 XHD 1296p Car Dash Camera Review

Posted on 2014-08-11 21:29:13 by Thomas De Maesschalck

My interest in car dash cameras begun roughly 4 years ago when i had the chance to visit Moscow after being invited by a good old friend of mine. Now you may not be aware of this but many people in Moscow have such cameras installed in their cars not only because it's obviously the best way to prove you are not at fault if an accident occurs (and you're really not the one who caused it) or someone tries to trick you (staged accidents) but also because several insurance companies in Russia offer discounts if you happen to own one such device and you have it installed in your car at all times. The same applies for many insurance companies around the world (although not everywhere) so it's not something most drivers should ignore since the total savings will certainly surpass the cost of a car dash camera (even if you can't find an insurance company that gives a discount the benefits alone are well worth it). Today we will be taking a look at one of the latest car dash cams to hit the market the XHD Marcus 3 by VicoVation.

Link: NikKTech

VicoVation Marcus 3 XHD 1296p Car Dash Camera

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