Xtorm AL420 Waterproof Power Bank Xtreme 9000mAh Review

Posted on 2015-12-10 08:50:50 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Description: Portable batteries (or power banks) may have managed to secure a place amongst the most important mobile gadgets people should with them at all times but leaving out all the available capacities which vary from just 1000-2000mAh and way up to 30-40000mAh (something that leaves plenty of room for many models to exist in the market) how many of you have really seen a powerbank which you can even go as far as to call unique? Sure some offer dual USB outputs, others offer built-in flashlights, solar panels used for recharging and there are some which even allow the end user to choose the preferred output voltage (the really high capacity ones aimed for use with laptops). These are all great but what I’ve always wanted was to use a rugged powerbank much like the rugged USB flash drives and portable drives we see all the time so when Xtorm launched the Xtreme Power Bank AL420 there was no way i could say no to testing it.

Link: NikKTech

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