Acer Predator X34 Review

Posted on 2016-01-15 10:24:15 by Thomas De Maesschalck

”Gaming at 3440x1440 is a sight to behold in most scenarios and I'm not so sure I could ever go back to mere 1080p gaming or even 1440p. Depending on the game, the size and slight curvature definitely increased immersion. While a few games lack native 3440x1440 support, you can always play in windowed mode at 1080p or 1440p. Unfortunately, I've never used any other 3440x1440 monitors to compare the Predator X34 to, so I cannot say if this is the best one for your money. You can find 3440x1440 monitors for as little as $800 without the bells and whistles, but throw in G-SYNC, the curvature, the four USB 3.0 ports, and more, and suddenly the $1300 price tag isn't all that unreasonable.”

Link: OCC

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