Intel Optane SSD 900P: The Fastest, Most Responsive SSD Yet Review

Posted on 2017-11-16 23:07:42 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Intel gave us a taste of what its Optane could do on consumer desktop systems a few months back when it launched its Optane Memory technology. Those miniscule drives did a great job caching data to give compatible systems packing slower hard drives a huge boost in responsiveness and overall performance. The performance characteristics of Optane Memory also left many enthusiasts chomping at the bit for higher-capacity, speedier Optane SSDs for high-end desktops, however. Fortunately, the wait is now over. Intel recently launched the brand-new Optane SSD 900P series of drives and we can with certainty say that it was absolutely worth the wait...

Link: Hothardware

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