Apple iPod mini 6GB Review

Posted on 2005-05-01 16:07:14 by LSDsmurf

If you take a look at its dimensions, the iPod mini doesn't seem that much smaller than its big brother, the iPod. But when holding it in your hand, you'll get the feeling that the mini rules! I always carried my big iPod in a case because it got scratched so easily, but the mini doesn't need one because the brushed finish doesn't pick up fingerprints. So big iPod + case >> iPod mini.

I killed my last iPod by dropping it and shattering the LCD screen (ironically on the headphone that had been wrapped around the iPod). To avoid that with my new mini, I take the included belt clip and clip it to the *front* of the mini, so the LCD is protected. Included protection!

Link: iPod 6GB

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