Newsleecher 3.91 Beta 2

Posted on Wednesday, June 18 2008 @ 13:02 CEST by

#: Note that due to some internal changes in NewsLeecher, all listview columns will have been reset in width and placement, when you launch this beta. The reset will only happen on the first launch.

+: Implemented a history feature for the "Leech Specify" dialog, so a customizable number of previously used "Leech Specify" folder locations can be saved between sessions. The number of locations to save, can be setup from "Setup Dialog -> Interface -> Interface Settings -> Items to keep in history dropdown lists".

+: Implemented the "Find in SuperSearch" feature for the articles view. It's now implemented for the articles view, the Repair'n'Extract view and the download queue.

+: Added a 'CleanUp' button to the queue toolbar. Clicking the button, simply deletes all 'paused' entries from the queue.

*: Much improved error checking when loading and saving the setup files for the NewsLeecher listiews. Prior to this newly introduced error checking, NewsLeecher would, in the worst cases, refuse to launch, or spit out strange error messages, if one or more of the setup files were corrupted. If a corruption is detected now, NewsLeecher will simply reset the corrupted setup file.

*: Some smaller visual improvements.

!: Fixed bug introduced in previous beta, where the posting feature didn't work.

!: Lots of other smaller bugs fixed.
Program Information

Internet and communication

3.91 Beta 2
Works on:

Product page: here

Download: Newsleecher 3.91 Beta 2

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