Beyond Compare 3.0 Build 462 Beta

Posted on Wednesday, July 09 2008 @ 13:26 CEST by

Beyond Compare, the advanced file and folder comparison utility for Windows, helps you visualize changes in your code, keeps your directories in sync, and validates copies of your data.


- Folder Compare
- Fixed accessing zip/tar/gzip/cab archives with paths containing non-ASCII 
- Fixed downloading a file unnecessarily refreshing the target directory.
- Fixed "Touch local files when copying to an FTP site" when copying more 
than one file.
- Fixed performing file operations on unbuilt filtered folders with 
"Suppress Filters" active.

- Fixed support for ASCII transfers on SFTP-3 and earlier.
- Fixed selecting SFTP compression/encryption algorithms on badly behaved 
SSH servers.

- Linux
- Temp files left over from previous instances will now be deleted 
automatically when starting a new instance.
- KDE/Gnome context menus are now removed when uninstalling.
- Fixed default comment in "Generate SSH Key Pair" dialog.
- Fixed default public & private key paths in "Generate SSH Key Pair" dialog.

- Misc
- Changed "Export" save dialog's "Save as type" list ordering.
- Added "Settings files" to "Import" open dialog's "Files of type" list.
- Tweaked Export's automatically chosen filename.
- Fixed "Import" to support BC2 settings files that don't include sessions.
- Fixed importing BC2 preferences so they take effect immediately.
- Updated help.

- Options
- Added "milliseconds to wait before hiding help hint" tweak.

- Picture Compare
- Fixed PNG support for some transparent images.

- Reports
- Reports now save images as PNGs instead of bitmaps to support transparency.
- "XML Dump" reports now include encoding declarations.

- Text Views
- Added "Lines" grammar item to support page headings.
- Fixed alignment omitting second to last line of the comparison under 
certain conditions.

Program Information

Tools and Utilities

3.0 Build 462 Beta
Works on:

Product page: here

Download: Beyond Compare 3.0 Build 462 Beta

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