Ultradefrag 1.4.0

Posted on Sunday, October 05 2008 @ 18:18 CEST by

UltraDefrag is powerful Open Source defragmentation tool for Windows NT. It is very fast, because the defragmenting is done by kernel-mode driver. They are three interfaces to them: graphical, console and native. The GUI is very useful, because it represents your filesystem visually as a color coded cluster map. The console is another option for those that prefer the command line. It is also allows you to run UltraDefrag from the task scheduler and scripts. Finally, the native executable will run at boot time in a manner similar to chkdsk. The design of UltraDefrag is very simple. There are no skins and other unnecessary stuff. It is a small and powerful program!

- i18n support was added
- gui program was translated into Hungarian and Russian languages
- documentation was improved
- program settings were moved to one file
- gui design was improved and simplified
- console program's option -l was added
- many significant bugs were fixed (possible buffer overflows)
Program Information

Tools and Utilities

Works on:

Product page: here

Download: Ultradefrag 1.4.0

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