DarkSpace 1.508

Posted on Tuesday, January 06 2009 @ 13:50 CET by

DarkSpace is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game that combines tactical ship to ship combat with strategy in a team orientated game. Players gain rank and prestige, which expands the ships they can command and the strategic decisions they make.


- Serialization optimization which reduces the size of WOB's and transmitted data. This caused a update of most of the WOB files to a new format. Data sent over the network will be dramatically smaller.
- Multi-System Enhancements are now implemented.
- Enhancements are now color coded according to how rare they are.
- Adjusted "common" enhancements to be more balanced. In addition some may have small side effects also.
- Added a manifest to the lobby for Vista.
- Minor adjustments made to Mi ship's and devices
- Platforms are now more robust.
- Fixed issue with prevalent ECCM/ECM pinging on high tier ships - cool-down now scales up with ship class.
- Improved AI spawns.

Program Information

Games and patches

Works on:

Product page: here

Download: DarkSpace 1.508

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