Paint.NET 3.5 build 3480 alpha

Posted on Tuesday, July 14 2009 @ 14:00 CEST by

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.

Significantly fixed up the performance of the font dropdown list. Build updated to v3.50.3480.39777.

This update focuses solely on finishing up the new font and text rendering stuff for the Text tool. The final changes ended up being much smaller in scope than I planned. I tried integrating FreeType as a text renderer but it was too onerous. I then tried WPF and it produced gorgeous text but had a tendency to crash on some fonts. So, in the end, we're still sticking with GDI. Note that if you do not have font smoothing enabled in Windows, then Paint.NET will not be able to render anti-aliased text. By default, this is turned on even in Windows XP, so it shouldn't be much of an issue except in certain Remote Desktop or Virtual PC situations.

The font list now draws the font name on the left and the font preview on the right. Some fonts are unreadable at the size needed for the dropdown list, and so having a consistent font on the left side should help.

Some people commented that in the previous build, text would be non-antialised at small sizes. I have a fix for that now, but as previously mentioned you must have font smoothing enabled in Windows. Otherwise Paint.NET will only be able to render non-antialiased text. Period. Large text will still often revert to non-antialiased, but there is nothing that can be done about that. Eventually I will add DirectWrite support for Win7/Vista users, but not for version 3.5.

There are still a few issues to fix with respect to some text getting clipped on the left/right sides (esp. in certain 'italic' fonts), and some font issues in Windows XP (like the Tunga font).
Program Information


3.5 build 3480 alpha
Works on:

Product page: here

Download: Paint.NET 3.5 build 3480 alpha

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