Calibre 0.6.55

Posted on Tuesday, June 01 2010 @ 0:28 CEST by

calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books.

New Features
* Support for the Nokia E71X
* EPUB Output: Generate a default one entry TOC if no TOC is present. This allows the EPUB to pass epubcheck and work on the Kobo
* Kobo driver: Add support for storage card
* PDF Output: Improved cover and comic handling
* EPUB metadata: When setting authors, always move the new dc:creator element to the top so broken implementations don't get confused

Bug Fixes
* Make the HTML shown in the regex builder closer to that actually processed by the conversion pipeline.

Closes tickets: 5549 [External link]
* Fix tab ordering in Bulk edit meta information dialog

Closes tickets: 5624 [External link]
* EPUB Input: Ignore __MACOSX directories inside the EPUB file
* EPUB Input: Raise an appropriate error for DTBook EPUB files
* EPUB Output: Use correct SVG code when not preserving aspect ratio for covers
* Use PNP drive number based sorting on windows when the device has identical main memory and card ids

New news sources
* Infomotori by Gabriele Marini
* Las Vegas Review by Joel
* Troitskiy variant by Vadim Dyadkin
* American Thinker by Walt Anthony
* The Observer by jbambridge

Improved news sources
* The BBC
* The New York Times
* Wired
* Corriere della Serra
* Leggo
* darknet
* Freakonomics Blog
Program Information

Tools and Utilities

Works on:

Product page: here

Download: Calibre 0.6.55

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