DirSync Pro 1.4 RC1

Posted on Sunday, January 09 2011 @ 22:12 CET by

DirSync Pro (Directory Synchronize Pro) is a small, but powerful utility for file and folder synchronization. DirSync Pro can be used to synchronize the content of one or many folders recursively. Using DirSync Pro you can make incremental backups. In this way you'll spare lots of time because you don't have to copy all the files each time you want to update your backup; only new/modified/larger files would be copied.

* Fixed: Schedule constraint 'Timeframe From' and 'Timeframe To' did not affect correctly. Fixed!
* Fixed: When editing a schedule in the schedule dialog, the basic tab was disabled. Fixed!
* Fixed: Auto-resizing of the last column in the schedule queue did not work. Fixed!
* Fixed: Some weekdays of the Weekly schedules did not get persisted to the saved config file correctly. Fixed!
* Fixed: Issue that Cancel button in the schedule dialog saved the schedules anyway. Fixed!
* Fixed: Weekly and Monthly schedule were sometimes inaccurate. Fixed!
* Fixed: Warning of unsaved config appeared twice in some cases. Fixed!
* Fixed: Some cosmetic issues in the GUI.
* Fixed: Editing a schedule will reload the schedule engine without having to restart it.
* Fixed: Synchronizing the time-stamps of the directory works now also for exisiting directories (thanks to Gijs Noorlander for the report).
* Fixed: 'Open Recent' submenu gets updated right after loading a jobset file now (thanks to Gijs Noorlander for the report).
* Improved: The items in the 'Open Recent' submenu have now a tooltip which shows the absolute path to the file.
* Improved: Schedule start button will get now disabled if clicked once.
* Improved: A Yes/No dialog is shown if the schedule engine is running and the user want to close the application, to load a new config or to create a new one.
* Improved: Schedule engine queue scrolls now horizontally if the table gets wider than the application window.
Program Information

Tools and Utilities

1.4 RC1
Works on:

Product page: here

Download: DirSync Pro 1.4 RC1

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