DGMPGDec 1.4.4 RC1

Posted on Monday, September 19 2005 @ 19:11 CEST by LSDsmurf

The widely used tools DVD2AVI and MPEG2DEC suffer from a fundamental deficiency: they do not deliver all the coded frames from the input stream. Put simply, they lose frames. This can cause serious problems with audio sync and authoring with some tools. Not only that, but random frame access is not handled correctly and incorrect frames can be returned when navigating on the timeline via MPEG2DEC (and its clones). Additionally, the original DVD2AVI project was not updated in some time, and it stood in need of some fixes and upgrades. My version addresses a lot of the irritating features of the original project, as well as adds many new and useful features. Refer to the 'Changes' text files for details. Notable is support for MPEG1, PVA, and transport streams..
Program Information


1.4.4 RC1
Works on:

Product page: here

Download: DGMPGDec 1.4.4 RC1

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