DGMPGDec 1.4.4

Posted on Sunday, September 25 2005 @ 2:14 CEST by LSDsmurf

This release provides the following changes compared to version 1.4.3:

1. If a CLI D2V creation is invoked on a transport stream with the wrong pids specified, when you enter the right PIDs, a bug caused an invalid filename to be generated for the D2V file (".d2v"). This has been repaired.

2. Audio 48KHz -> 44.1KHz and Normalization have been fixed (they were badly broken but Pre-Scale Decision was OK).

3. The __src__ AVS template macro was changed to __vid__ and an __aud__ macro was added. Refer to the DGIndex manual for details.

4. The Audio menu options are enabled/grayed based on the selected audio output method.

5. AVS script file generation was added to the DGIndex manual.

6. A complete and definitive account of the undocumented audio options was added to the DGIndex user manual. I hope it may dispel some confusion and misconceptions.

7. Fixed a bug that stopped AVS script creation when -EXIT was used in the CLI.

8. Added -MINIMIZE and -HIDE options to the CLI.

9. The DGIndex INI file is now always loaded from, and saved to, the same directory that contains DGIndex.exe.

10. The error message for bad D2V opening has been broken into four to make it easier to troubleshoot: D2V file is empty, DGIndex/DGDecode mismatch, cannot open one of the source files listed in the D2V file, and source stream has no sequence header.

11. Fixed an indexing bug in DGIndex that caused incorrect random frame access in DGDecode in some rare cases.

12. Fixed a problem that caused stepping backward by GOP in DGIndex to fail in some cases.

13. Added "m1v" to the open dialog "Files of type" string.

14. Increased from 100 to 500 the maximum number of PIDs that can be displayed when performing Detect PIDs: Raw.

15. "Decode AC3 to WAV" was totally broken for tracks 2-8 (1 was OK). This has been repaired.

16. A deficiency in the implementation of pulldown in DGDecode was repaired. The result is that decoding is now resilient to changes of field order. This makes Fix D2V superfluous, so it has been removed.

17. The right arrow key can now be used to single step in play/preview mode if the playback speed is set to Single Step (previously just the right arrow button worked).

18. Colorimetry was reported incorrectly for MPEG2 in some cases. This has been fixed.

Program Information


Works on:

Product page: here

Download: DGMPGDec 1.4.4

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