Posted on Thursday, February 23 2006 @ 9:45 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inq once more has a rant on Intel's Viiv platform:
VIIV IS STUPID and broken, a platform that will not only not live up to its promise, but will actively make your experience worse. If I had to design a way to make consumers hate a product, it would be hard to do a better job, I don't think Intel has quite come to terms with the enmity these doorstops will cause.
Let's start off with the stupid, the logo program. We told you about the sillyness that you need to get the logo. Basically you need Microsoft, and only MS Media Center Intel cut Linux out as they promised not to, an all Intel platform, chip, chipset, and drivers, and then get it certified. You will see the logo cropping up all over the place, Intel is putting a lot of money behind it.
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