One of the most common questions the staff members of LR get asked is, "What kind of system can I buy for x dollars?". To help answer this question we have started doing monthly system guides. These guides cover both Intel and AMD based systems as both processor brands have loyal followers and they accept no substitute. The March update of the system guides has been posted!
Nathan Kirsch of Legit Reviews had this to say on the system guides:
"The Legit Reviews system guides are aimed at helping first time system builders on a strict budget pick out the hardware that is going to give them the best performance for the price. Our AMD and Intel system guides ranging in price from $700 to $1500 and are developed with the gamer/enthusiast in mind. With a carefully selected blend of products we feel these systems are superior to many of the pre-built systems that come loaded with proprietary hardware and software that is not needed."
You can check it out over here.
Do It Yourself Computer System Build Guides
Posted on Thursday, March 09 2006 @ 9:14 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck