Posted on Wednesday, March 15 2006 @ 3:05 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Microsoft announced a beta version of Windows Live Mail Desktop, which will be a free replacement for the current Outlook Express.
The new mail client will incorporate much of the new functionality that has emerged since Outlook Express was released in 2001, principally areas such as RSS feeds and blogs.
The client will double as an RSS reader with the ability to read and forward RSS feeds within the standard client window. All the usual features expected in an RSS reader will be present such as drag and drop to folders, read and unread posts, and folders to manage subscriptions with the option to map several feeds to a single folder. Windows Live Mail Desktop (WLMD) will also contain features like a 'Quick Search Box' so that as you type, the messages are filtered so only those that include the search text are shown. For RSS this will include searching the title and blog description.
More info at
PC World.